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Old December 27, 2008, 4:52 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands View Post
At least you guys actually found it amusing, deriving some form of enjoyment out of Cyberzilla. I sank deeper into my chair and gave a choked sigh when it happened.
If I were watching it alone instead of with family and friends who had a sense of humor about it all, that probably would have been my reaction as well.

Originally Posted by Jamie Minty View Post
To be fair, it wasn't the BBC that made the hype. It was fans and everyone else, excited by the title.
Not particularly relevant. There was hype; it didn't live up to it. His point stands.

Originally Posted by Jamie Minty View Post
After reading RTDs book The title was chosen before Tennant announced he was leaving so it was all a coincidence that it sounded like Morrisey was taking over from Tennant.
Untrue. David Tennant had made his decision months before he announced it to the public, and RTD was in on it all along. They had made a deal that they would both leave at the same time. So RTD most definitely did know that Tennant would be leaving at the time he named the special. Whether he knew the public would know by the time it aired is another issue.

Originally Posted by Jamie Minty View Post
From things you said it did sound like you decided it was shit before you watched it.
I had low expectations. Can you blame me? The Runaway Bride and Voyage of the Damned being the last two Christmas specials, and Partners in Crime, Turn Left, and Journey's End being among the most recent RTD episodes we've gotten, I don't think it was unreasonable of me not to have much hope. I still gave it a chance, and it still let me down. Miraculously I somehow have still not yet reached the point where I stop giving it a chance entirely, even though I keep saying and thinking that I should do so.

Originally Posted by Jamie Minty View Post
This is NuWho. I guess really, we have to get over it because there isn't much we can do!
All we can do is rate the episodes badly and complain as loudly as we can, which is what I endeavor to do.

Originally Posted by Jamie Minty View Post
I think its good that your still comparing your results to other NuWho episodes and I understand you give them all a chance!
Thank you.