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Old December 28, 2008, 6:16 PM
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Jamie Minty (Offline)
Why?? So?? Serious??
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Age: 32
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
Untrue. David Tennant had made his decision months before he announced it to the public, and RTD was in on it all along. They had made a deal that they would both leave at the same time. So RTD most definitely did know that Tennant would be leaving at the time he named the special. Whether he knew the public would know by the time it aired is another issue.
Sorry, the books really confusing. RTD talks to Ben Cook about series 3 episodes and of course Series 4 before Series 3 even aired. So its hard to work out what Ben Cook doesn't know or doesn't tell him!

Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
I had low expectations. Can you blame me? The Runaway Bride and Voyage of the Damned being the last two Christmas specials, and Partners in Crime, Turn Left, and Journey's End being among the most recent RTD episodes we've gotten.
Well I've learnt to understand your feelings for them but I liked them. Especially Turn Left!