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Old February 5, 2009, 1:16 PM
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The Moonlit Door (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
Dom has said that he regrets the fact that the budget did not allow for a new title sequence as well. Because they continued to use the old one, his options were somewhat limited as far as the theme's format. I believe he said he found it "intensely restricting" to have to work to a title sequence that was already done and polished.
Yes, I can imagine — timing the appearance of the stars and all that. Peter Howell actually liaised with Sid Sutton during the creation of the first starfield title sequence, so at least the two elements worked to the same end. Ultimately I think the sequence is too aggressive in approach for Glynn's version of the theme to sit right on the imagery. His theme did need its own sequence, but of course JNT wouldn't have imagined that Colin Baker was about to be ousted.
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