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Old February 27, 2009, 11:21 AM
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DarthJedi2005 (Offline)
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Join Date: February 2009
Age: 32
Posts: 5
Come on you guys, do you not think you're being slightly too harsh on RTD? He did bring the show back after all, and his writing's not that bad. Yes, it would be better if he went back and re-thought through some of his ideas, but we could have a LOT worse...

Personally I thought The Next Doctor was brilliant! Alright so it didn't have the genius ideas of episodes like Silence in the Library or The Empty Child (thank you Mr Moffat!), but it was still a pretty good story. I agree the CyberKing was a bit - oh, alright then, quite a lot - far fetched, but that's not the point! The point is that it was a good, solid story with fantastic acitng from all the cast, and for that I'd give it a 9.