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Old February 28, 2009, 8:43 PM
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Chris Britton (Offline)
"My turn."
Join Date: June 2004
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Originally Posted by Ben Dawson View Post
Technically, an opinion cannot be wrong or right. I'm not saying I disagree with you, but I suppose the best way to say it is that, in your opinion, his opinion is severely misguided... that it may be, but it is still not possible for Darkjedi's opinion to be a wrong opinion, but merely an opinion that is the conclusion of being misinformed... may I suggest perhaps linking Darkjedi to your previous rants against the bad episodes?
Just link him to the ones where opinion was seriously divided.
Chris Britton
" As in, "RTD: Blargh" rather than "Blargh: RTD." Unless of course you're quoting Blargh about RTD." - Danny Stewart