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Old May 8, 2005, 10:47 AM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 36
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Doctor Who 1x07 - "The Long Game"

This week on Doctor Who:

The Doctor, Rose and Adam find themselves on Satellite 5 in the year 200,000 where Earth is meant to be at the forefront of a mighty galactic empire. But something has gone wrong: humanity's development has stalled, and the Doctor suspects that it has something to do with the media transmissions bombarding the populace, emanating from the space station. It soon becomes clear that the answer lies on the mysterious Floor 500, abode of the sinister Editor. The Doctor and Rose investigate, while Adam risks everything by immersing himself in the culture of the far future.

I thought last night's episode was extremely enjoyable! It had a very inventive plot (reminiscent of the classic Doctor Who) and some wonderful acting by all. What did everyone else think?