I'm... not entirely sure this is the right place for this but here I go.
A while back I came up with an "evil" race for a series of stories I have in mind. I would love to elaborate on them(perhaps another time, and in the private forum

), but for now all I'll say is that they start out as regular ol' robots created on Earth, and they venture into space, find a particular technologically advanced species, take their technology and become pretty much the inverse of the new series Cybermen-- Organic bodies with their brains removed and replaced with the computerized brains this race's units. These are not restricted to human-like species, but they need to have the basic shape. They just wear armor to look the same. Their reasoning behind this is that organic bodies actually have a greater capacity for modifications via nanotechnology and gene modification.
Their name is XIL. They can be called Xils or Xil as both a singular and a plural, but the proper name of XIL is of the program that all the units make up.
I have no idea what X.I.L should mean. I just thought of it off the top of my head. Any suggestions would be very helpful.
EDIT: Their function would probably help. Their function is to grow and wipe as much as possible to a clean slate(gathering people to use as bodies and taking any technology they find, and using the remains of the planets as a resource of base materials), then to await further instruction. Their original creator had NONE OF THIS in mind, he simply made them out of spite, probably just saying "Xil" off the top of his head like I did and left the robots to decide what it meant. The bulk of their programming comes from another source, who obviously has some sort of god complex.