
October 11, 2006, 10:03 AM
Erm... my story... well... er...
it's a shame it's not my dr who one, i really need to get started on a new paragraph of that! ^^ It's go my characters (friends in other words) in it! Yay! I was seriously depressed when i wrote this, cause i had a sneaky suspicion that not one of my mates actually liked me. Including, like, one of my BESTEST Friends in the entire world.
Ah speaking of that same friend, she did her speech today and she was awwwwwesome! I totally voted for 'er, cause she's so nice! I dunno why i'm telling you people this... erm... yeah, so enjoy!
This is my story. The story of love, of friendship, but most of all of hate and death. Sit back, relax and enjoy the toe curling realism with which this story begins. This is the story of my life, of my world, my pain.
“Now class,†began Mrs Chambers. “Nice bright, sunny morning! Everyone feeling great?†The whole class’s faces were blank. Not one of them smiled, for today was the day of exams.
“No,†Tilly yelled from her huddle in between Rosie and Paige. Mrs Chambers sent her a worryingly docile look and continued to pep talk the rest of the class. The front table, which hosted a wide variety of talents, was deciding whether they wanted to listen, or talk like crazy about some junk that no one else even cared about. It was Catriona’s decision on what they should do, so they all kept their mouths shut, listening with intent. The second table back, Chav table number 2, were wildly discussing some boy that happened to get Amy’s bus, who she found to be extremely “fit†and wondered if she had the guts to ask him out. Next to that table were the nicest of the nice. Helena, Sophie, Jay, Maddy and Vikki. They all pricked their ears up and all of them sat forward in their seats, craning their necks as if what Mrs Chambers had to say was as important as what the Queen said in her Christmas day speech (which is as boring as anything.) The first two back tables consisted of nothing more than rejects. They didn’t fall into a category. They weren’t Chav, Goth, Emo or weird nerd type people. They were just normal, if that could be a word to describe them. Every single one of them was trying to cram one last spec of revision into their brains, before it exploded.
Last table of all. The table were nothing ever happened. Sitting at the back, the only person that could, or tried, to make everyone feel better was Sophie. She was trying to listen, but Lucy, on her other side, was pulling on her blazer and making her look around. Claire was one of the other girls. She’s sweet, sometimes, and nice, but at that moment, she was depressed. Something about some Nick bloke, I don’t know, nothing is making much sense. Then there’s me, Grace. Sitting with my head one my hand making random doodles in my rough book. Many consisted of guns, knives, random pointy objects and cliffs. No one had even noticed that there was something wrong until after the pips had gone. Sophie was the first to notice, I assume, but she kept quiet.
“Hey, Grace, wait, we’ve gotta go to the gym… remember?†I nodded slowly and spun on my heels, walking face down after her. Claire and Lucy had already arrived and were searching for their seats when we approached the hall. Many people, all year 9, were stretched out behind little desks all over the gym. What used to be wooden floors were now old sheets, green and dusty. I made my way to the far end of the room, not looking up incase Emily or Talie caught my eye. A tear trickled down my cheek in fear as I caught my breath and strode towards the desk which was labelled ‘Grace Varley’. Simple enough, so I sat down, picked out my pen from the wreckage of my pencil case, and tried not to look up as a teacher came striding towards me. Half of the hall had now turned around to see her bending over me and patting me on the back. She had to tell me that ‘ Everything was going to be ok!’ didn’t she. That made me feel worse, but swallowing my tears and looking up I tried a fake grin and lay back in my seat, wiping my eyes and still trying not to look at the people on all sides jeering and pointing at the ‘weird girl who cries at test’. Oh, so little do they know.

October 12, 2006, 12:30 PM
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 36
Posts: 5,252
More well-written stuff from you, Indy Gal! You do need to update that Doctor Who story of yours but this will keep me happy until then.

October 12, 2006, 12:47 PM
lol awww ok! i shall, i shall get to work at school tomorrow! ^^

October 13, 2006, 1:28 AM
biggus dickus
Join Date: August 2006
Location: under the bridge
Age: 34
Posts: 1,613
I might write something soon...
Still planning it out, though.
I hope you can keep all 3 stories you've got up to date! It's cruel to leave it hanging.
EDIT: i loze @ gramars

Not at all benevolent dictator and I don't need to sign my posts cause my name is up there at the top.

October 13, 2006, 4:24 AM
... Bazinga!
Join Date: August 2006
Location: Co. Durham
Age: 32
Posts: 1,132
they are all really well written, this one's looking really interesting...I'm looking forward to more.
/ .. ● . \\>--◖

October 13, 2006, 10:38 AM
lol ok, more!
“Question 1,” I thought as I bit the end of my pen. It’s the only subject that I’m rubbish at… wait, let me rephrase that. It’s one of the many subjects I am rubbish at. Maths. Although, after last year’s failing attempts at trying to grasp the concept of linear graphs while having Mrs Skew biting at your ankles is not one of the easiest things to cope with. “SATS are so early in the term” I thought as I scribbled down some working out in a box that said ‘ Marking only’. I shook my head and stared up with anxiousness at the clock. “Dammit,” I thought aloud. The teacher behind me ‘shushed’ me as I mouthed a sorry and continued to try and calculate the fraction sum out. “I wish this was algebra,” I thought to myself again as my pencil snapped and I picked up another one. “I can do algebra!”
“Right, pens, pencils down. There, first test over!” said the teacher at the end as some other teachers came to collect the papers. “Only 3 more to go.”
“Yeah,” I moaned quietly. “But then we’ve got end of year exams!” I sunk my head into my hands and leant on the desk so hard that the woman who collected my paper, after 3 unsuccessful tugs, had to ask me to remove my arm from on top of it.
“That wasn’t that hard,” began Maddy bounding up behind me and placing her arm on my shoulder. I nodded my head and lied.
“Yeah, it was actually easier than I thought.” Sophie and Claire had decided to join us, getting rid of the cheeriness and putting a real sense of despair in the air.
“That was totally ****,” said Claire brushing her fringe out of her eyes and grabbing her neon green clip out of her coat pocket. “Totally ****, I hated that and…” Maddy cut her off saying.
“I actually thought it was really easy!”
“Yeah,” began Claire drawing herself up to her full height. “But you’re in top set. What about us less brainy people? Less gifted? What are we supposed to do?” Maddy stared evilly at Claire as she was congratulated for making a wonderful speech for the unintelligent.
“I’m going to the computers,” I said quickly and rushed off to the cloakroom to pick up my things, again a few tears trickling down my face. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see Talie standing behind me.
“What the…?” I began, but before I could say another word, she’d caught me in a hug that had sent me right off balance. I slowly put my arms around her shoulders, and with a bewildered look on my face hugged her back. I realised that I still had glistening tears on my cheeks, so I wiped them off quickly. There’s only one problem, as Talie stood up properly again she said.
“So… why were you cryin’?” God dammit, nothing can escape that girl.
“Er…” I began, trying to make up some weird excuse why I was crying, but I knew I couldn’t lie to her. Just as I was about to say the thing that had been bugging me all day, the pips went. “Aww, sorry, great catch up, but… gotta go for a test, so see ya!”
“But Grace…” she called after me, but I had already slipped out of the door and had started to run across the wet pavement to the gym.

October 17, 2006, 11:37 AM
“Right,” began the teacher again at the front. I had sat down about 5 mintues ago, and the teacher hadn’t allowed us to talk until we were outside the hall again. Next test, yet again Maths, the wondrous subject, the fantastic subject, the downright shoddy subject. Everyone sat there in perpetual silence as the teachers handed out the booklets and we were told to start.
“That was even easier!” began Maddy after the dreaded Maths test. I stared at her blankly and continued to walk, but now a little faster. Hurridly, I disappeared into a crowd of sixth formers, only to come face to face with Claire. I suddenly dropped my books and wrapped my arms around her, tears starting to drip down my face again. Claire quickly took me under her arm and helped me gather up my books. After the very embarrassing scene, she took me to a more secluded place, the computers. The computers were the only place we ever went. It wasn’t that private, but people never usually listened to your conversations as they had lots of work to do. I sat shakily down on a chair, and moments later she joined me.
“Ok, J, seriously, what’s up?”
“I…” I began. “I can’t tell you, I’ve swore to secrecy”. Just at that moment, Emily came in and grinned, but from the look on Claire’s face, she quickly squatted down beside me and looked up at me, her big brown eyes full of questions. I stared at her, but not for long as Sophie came bustling in, books under her arm in a sort of, mother-like position.
“Aww, what’s up Grace?” she asked, only to have 2 pairs of ‘don’t say anything’ faces staring back at her, and a sigh from me. Next in was Lucy, cheerily and happy. After seeing the looks on everyone’s faces, she quickly saddened, sitting along side Sophie and Claire. I couldn’t take the attention, and subsequently got up and ran out of the room. Tears now flooded out of my eyes as I ran downwards, getting spotted by Talie on the way. I ran through the school, trying to lose the trail of girls behind me, and suddenly coming to the fact that I couldn’t outrun a bunch of grammar school girls and slowed to a stop, catching a glimpse of shirt before I was smacked into by whoever was at the front and got bombed on by everyone else who was trying to stop in time. They didn’t and we all fell into a groaning heap on the floor, others around us laughing a pointing at the strange scene that had befallen them. Claire, who was at the top, slowly unhooked herself from the pack and held out her hand to Sophie, who was trying desperately hard not to tumble backwards and show everyone the inside of her skirt. Emily and Lucy tumbled off, and Talie jumped up, holding out a hand to me, as I took it gratefully and prominently fell backwards, sending her falling on top of me. I grinned awkwardly, the tears now dried on my face. The girls, who were still around us, began to laugh again, but seeing the small smile on my face, she grinned back, helping me to my feet again and taking me and everyone else downstairs.
sorry people, that's it so far! If there's anyone that wants something in there, feel free to tell me, otherwise, you're gonna have to wait! xxx love you all and thankyou soooo much for being so nice to me about my stories!

October 25, 2006, 2:18 PM
... Bazinga!
Join Date: August 2006
Location: Co. Durham
Age: 32
Posts: 1,132
yeah, it's shaping up as a very good story.
/ .. ● . \\>--◖

October 26, 2006, 10:51 AM
Aww sweetie, thankyou! ^^ you're so nice to me about my stories... well, everyone is! ^^ I'm just so over excited, and i shall get to work on this as soon as i can be bothered (which is i.e never! ^^ only kiddin!)

October 26, 2006, 10:56 AM
... Bazinga!
Join Date: August 2006
Location: Co. Durham
Age: 32
Posts: 1,132
I like giving good responses to great story's, and this is fantastic.
/ .. ● . \\>--◖
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