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Old September 22, 2006, 11:06 AM
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Talking Brat Camp ^^

Right, first itty bitty bit, cause i'm evil! ¬¬

Day 1: (12 pm: Corridor)

Brat Camp-
The six girls trundle through the moon lit corridors. Everything is silent as they pop open a window and climb into the small room on the other side. None of them knows what awaits them. All they have heard is just myth, legend. Nothing is true about this mysterious room. The smallest wriggles through first, dropping to the floor silent as a mouse and grinning. She’d finally got into the forbidden room, only used by head staff. Another of the girls yelled from the other side of the wall, stopping for a brief moment to listen out for the sign of the head teacher’s cat, Tilly. After another brief moment, the smallest slowly approached a large brown sheet, covering what she thought must have been a large crate. The five outside listened in terror as the smallest screamed, and a white light shone from the terrifying room. Maddy, the first down.

Sorry it's nothing to do with but that's the way it has to be, and this is what boredom does to u at school, when all you have is 2 friends jabbering in one ear and u really want them to shut up so u can talk to another friend... gah, it's so confusing!
Old September 22, 2006, 2:46 PM
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that's pretty good, I look forward to reading some more.
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Old September 22, 2006, 5:33 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Can't judge yet -- looks like a good start though! Please post more.
Old September 23, 2006, 6:44 AM
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lol, i'll do so now! ^^

Day 2: (3:30 am: Hall)

Early Morning Routine-
“Up, Up, Up!” yelled Mrs Bennet, the head teacher, banging on each of the girl’s doors in turn. It was 3:30am, as they walked groggily along the corridor for breakfast. Each in turn taking their place at the breakfast table and nudging one another to keep them awake. Then, each table slowly got up and walked to the counter. They came back to the table each with a disgusting pile of what the school liked to call food, but what looked more like something Tilly had eaten and then sicked up. The tallest of the six girls looked the widest awake, staring at the food with disgust. She had only arrived at the school a few months ago and hadn’t quite got used to the slop they made here. The girls on her left and right came together, her two closest friends. Across from her was another two of her friends, they seemed sad, so the girl piped up.
“So, what are you doing today…? Claire!” The girl across from her looked up. Her hair flopped in front of her face and she gave her friend the meanest look in the world. “Oh, well, what about you… Lucy?” Another friend sitting next to Claire. She completely ignored the girl, instead began to read a book that she had brought. “Ok then, Sophie?” she asked the girl sitting to the right of her. “What have you got today?” A quiet grunt was all she heard, so she decided one more try. “Talie, come on, answer me!”
“Ah, hi. Leave me til’ last why don’tcha.”
“Finally,” she began. “Someone’s talking to me. They’re all moody!”
“I hadn’t noticed,” she said matter-of-factly and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “So, what have you got today?” she asked before the girl could get in.
“P.E,” she said grumpily. She wasn’t even going to attempt to eat the food, and she noticed that Talie had done the same.
“Me too, finally, I haven’t been in a class with you since…” They both stared at each other and look down. They tried never to discuss that one lesson where everything nearly went to pieces.
“Anyway…” began Talie. “At least we finally get to talk the whole lesson and not actually do anything, eh Grace?!” Grace had gone completely pale and was now looking just above Talie’s shoulder. She quickly spun around to see their P.E teacher, Mrs Young standing above them. Talie grinned and apologised.
“That’s not good enough! You were planning to talk during my entire lesson, I think you’d better come with me.”
“No!” Grace yelled standing up and pushing the teacher in the arm. She’d had enough now. “She’s staying here whether you like it or not! Ok!?” The teacher gave her one dirty look and grabbed her hard by the arm. She brought her close up to her, so she could feel the woman’s dank breath on her face.
“No one pushes me and gets away with it.” She reached inside her pocket, and with one swift movement smacked Grace around the head with a long stick filled with some sort of drug. She fell to the floor, smashing into Talie’s chair, blood dripping down her face. The rest of the group finally realised what was happening and got up really quickly. Talie knelt down beside Grace’s body and clasped her hand to the side of her head. “MOVE GIRL!” yelled the teacher bringing her stick up for another blow.
“NO!” screamed Talie grabbing the teacher’s weapon and snapping it on her knee. The drug gushed out of the spilt ends of it as she looked up, triumphant. Her eyes were filled with tears, she didn’t know what was going to happen next. “This was all over a stupid P.E lesson…” she began, pointing at her friend, lying on the floor with Sophie crouching over her fanning her face. “And now look what you’ve done to her.” The teacher gave Grace a disgusted look and then grabbed Talie by the arm.
“Come on you, hitting a teacher is bad enough, what you did is even worse.” And as the hall finally got back to normal, the 3 friends looked at each other with dismay, blinking slightly and sniffing. They knew exactly what was going to happen and they didn’t like it one bit.

there's a lot of No-ing in this paragraphy bit, so just imagine that... well, i dunno! Hehe, yeah, these are all mates of mine! ^^
Old September 23, 2006, 6:53 AM
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Sounds like my school. Except the teachers have AK-47s and like to call me Number 42.

Not at all benevolent dictator and I don't need to sign my posts cause my name is up there at the top.
Old September 23, 2006, 7:01 AM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
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It's..............different. But I like it, pretty hard hitting stuff.
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Old September 23, 2006, 7:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
Sounds like my school. Except the teachers have AK-47s and like to call me Number 42.
lol thanxs, sounds like my school too, i wrote it at school about my school (^^) hehe, i love the number 42, that's why it's in my story later on... sorry about the nicknames, i'm either very bad at spelling real names, or i don't know their real names. For instance, Talie, she's actually Natalie, but i really can't be bothered to type out her full name every single time i write! ^^ i'm so lazy! tsk tsk
Old September 23, 2006, 7:20 AM
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Day 2: (12 am: Room)

Playing God-
Opening one eye she could see that she was in her room. The curtains were closed, but there was a small gap in them to tell her it was midday. She could hardly remember anything that happened that morning, and just as she tried to remember, she felt sick and dragged the bin towards her just in time. She sat up, heavily, feeling groggy and confused. Her eyes were going in and out of focus, but she could feel a strange presence in the room. She twisted her head from side to side, squinting through the darkness to see a faint light in the corner of the room. Grace wiped her chin on the sleeve of her tatty blazer. Staring intensely at the shimmering light getting brighter and closer, she edged her way up the bed, onto the pillows and finally onto the head board.
“Grace,” the voice whispered, crackly and understandably distorted. Grace recognised the voice from somewhere, but she couldn’t put her finger to it. She stared longingly still at the bright light. “Grace,” the voice said again.
“W…what? What the hell do you want!?”
“You do not realise who I am?! After all of this time, you still do not know.” The shimmering light dimmed down, and Grace saw who was speaking.

“And stay in there!” Mrs Young yelled, throwing Talie into the dark, dank room. She spun around to see the door closing behind her. Her eyes widened as she heard something behind her. She spun back around and squinted into the pitch black. This was the punishment for sticking up for someone? She wasn’t going to do that again. She knelt down and beat her fists on the wall, annoyed with herself.
“Dammit!” She screamed out. The words resounded around her, as if she was in a never ending canyon. No one had ever been in one of these rooms unless they had broken at least 15 rules. Seeing as she had only broken the dirty woman’s stick, then she didn’t think that it was that bad. Slumping down onto the floor, she noticed that at the back of the room was a very, very small hole. She crawled over to it and peered along it. There was nothing inside, but it was way too small for her to crawl out of. She sighed and leant her back against the wall, brushing her arms along it. Suddenly there was a crunching noise and the wall behind her collapsed. She screamed as she was sent hurtling back down a giant slope, down…and fast.

“Maddy?!” Grace said startled, but sure enough the pearly white figure of her deceased friend stood right in front of her.
“Yes, I am here to help you. Grace none of the others know your strength.”
“What the hell- Maddy… have you taken something?”
“Wh…what?! No! What I’m saying is that none of your friends, not one of them. They don’t understand your potential.”
“Ok… and why is that important. I don’t care!”
“Really?” Maddy said flicking up an eyebrow and closing her eyes. “Well, I guess I’ll be on my way. I s’pose you don’t want to hear about the special room.” The ghostly figure turned to walk away, hunched shouldered and sighing.
“No, wait!” cried out Grace. Maddy smiled menacingly, although Grace didn’t see. “I want to hear.”
“Ah, I thought so,” she said turning on the spot and once more walking slowly towards her friend. “Then I shall tell you but…”
“Actually, I think we should wait til everyone comes back from their lessons. Does 12 pm tonight sound ok?” The ghostly figure of Maddy sighed disapprovingly. “What!?”
“It’s not a bloody mother’s meeting!” she shouted.
“Well, I think the guys would like to know.” Maddy sulked off, through a wall and disappeared out of sight.

ah good, no swearing in this, *phew* i think this is the ONLY story i've written that had no swearing what so ever in it! OMG!
Old September 23, 2006, 7:33 AM
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"Yes, maddy?"

"...you're adopted."



Not at all benevolent dictator and I don't need to sign my posts cause my name is up there at the top.
Old September 23, 2006, 7:55 AM
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oh, gee thanxs, i'm adopted now am i!? hehe i will, don't worry!
Old September 23, 2006, 8:47 AM
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ooh yeah, deffinitely. Don't stop now.
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Old September 23, 2006, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
Sounds like my school. Except the teachers have AK-47s and like to call me Number 42.

Anyway, very nicely done, Indy Gal! I look forward to more.
Old September 24, 2006, 5:23 AM
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yay ok, i've gotta remember where i got to, ah yesh, ok ^^

Day 2: (12:30: Room)

Nija Moves-
Grace opened the door a crack to see that the corridor was deserted. Everyone was in their lessons, so it would be extremely easy to get to B block, the dungeon. She crept out, and suddenly realized that she was still in her tatty uniform. She wouldn’t be seen, so she ran back inside and slipped on a clean pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some converse (picked out from her wide selection). Slowly she tip toed out of the room and closed the door behind her. She crept along the corridor, looking around every corner to make sure that no one was wandering around the school, like she was. Up and down the thousands of stairs, along every corridor, but finally she found the B block. She stuck her head around the wall, there was someone there. She cursed the guard, slowly crouching down and picking up a heavy rock. With the best aim she could, hitting the guard full in the back of the head. He spat and turned around, staring bemused at the wall behind him. He ran over to the wall and poked his head around the corner, but no one was there. Suddenly he felt a hard smack on the back of his head. He fell to the floor bashing his head on the wall and slowly sliding down it. Above him, a triumphant Grace stood, iron bar in hand, grinning like a lunatic. She expected there to be something like that in the B block, they liked to harm prisoners. Which reminded her… Talie!

^^ quite short, i know! but there is a really long paragraph next, so...
Old September 24, 2006, 5:34 AM
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Oooh. Violence!

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Old September 24, 2006, 5:48 AM
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^^ hehe i love violence, violence is good, and fingers crossed, there will be some more! >=D
Old September 24, 2006, 10:49 AM
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More good stuff! Keep it coming!
Old September 25, 2006, 10:13 AM
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Day 2: (11:57 Room)

The Great Escape-
“Where the hell is she…” said Grace impatiently, pacing up and down the room in a frenzy.
“Who…?” asked Claire, lying on her bed staring at the ceiling.
“Gah! Look, I know I haven’t told you yet, but… oh my god, it’s 12:01!” she screamed looking at the clock. “She’s late, we’ll just have to go to B block all by ourselves, right, troops, gather.” Everyone slowly got up and moved into the middle of the room. “Awww, come on, this is a rescue mission, thought cleverly up by me. You should all be happy!” Many people put on a fake smile and followed Grace to the door.

Grace jumped in shock.
“What the hell are you doing here. Quit it, stop being so…” she stopped to think, waving her arm madly. “Bright, yeah, bright!” Everyone had stopped to stare at her.
“Well, sorry, but you weren’t in your room! I can’t help it if SOMEONE goes off on some rescue mission and doesn’t tell me!”
“It’s not my fault,” she whispered menacingly. They were approaching the B block. “If some of us don’t turn up on time!”
“Oh yeah!” Maddy yelled sarcastically. “Five minutes late, that’s not on time!”
“Shhh…” Grace said holding her finger to her lips. “Finger’s on lips!” she said and winked.
“Are you ok Grace?” asked Lucy edging towards her and looking at her like she was having some sort of fit.
“Yeah, I’m just telling… actually, you tell her, she is being stupid isn’t she?!” To the three bewildered girls, it looked like Grace was pointing at thin air.
“Who?” asked Sophie suddenly, stepping forward.
“MADDY! Oh, god, you people are on her side… aren’t you!?”
“Maddy’s dead, you know that, you was there!”
“Yeah, but, no, but yeah, but… well… yeah, but she’s come back to us as a ghost!” she laughed. “Isn’t that right Mad?”
“Ofcourse it is, and I am sorry Grace for being late,” she said hastily.
“Still talking to no one am I?!” Grace said triumphantly.
“Yes!” they all said in unison. Grace shook her head and sidled around the corner. The guards were sitting in the teacher’s room, sipping coffee and watching ‘Extras’. Their laughing echoed around the deep, dark hall, making the girls feel eerie and strange. Grace beckoned to the girls following her and slowly made her way to the office next door. Studying the board, she noticed the initials.
“NB, right, she’s in number 42, you guys stand out here, me and Sophie will go and get ‘er, we’ll be back in a giffy!” she smiled disappearing out of sight.

Grace looked around the dark empty cell. She couldn’t see anything inside, but it was pitch black, so you couldn’t blame her. She quickly jumped down from Sophie’s shoulders and produced a long crowbar from her bag.
“Right,” she said to Sophie. “Stand back.” Sophie stood a few paces back, but didn’t see why. All Grace was going to do was pry open the door, but her eyes opened with realisation as Grace brought her arm back to smash the door. Sophie tried to stop her, reaching out to grab it, but it slipped through her fingers and instead went crashing into the door. They both ran inside and flicked on the torch. The cell was completely empty.
“But… it had her initials. She can’t have got out.” Grace said running her fingers along the door. “This is steel.” She ran over to the wall and brushed her hands along it. As Sophie heard footsteps, she looked out of the door, only to see the two guards running towards them. There was a scream, and as Sophie looked back, she could see the torch on the floor, and that was it.

now, there's a problem with the next paragraph... i sorta did it at school and forgot to send it home! ^^' but i will try and remember tomorrow, i had to sort out a stupid history presentation today and it completely slipped my mind. Although... it is Year Captin voting, speech thing tomorrow and Talie's running, i might forget then, although i might not! ^^ we'll c, i'm crap at remembering stuff!
Old September 25, 2006, 11:17 AM
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This is an excellent Story, it reminds me of the way my school is going, expect minus the guard towers and facist type ruling Well done, keep it up.
Chris Britton
" As in, "RTD: Blargh" rather than "Blargh: RTD." Unless of course you're quoting Blargh about RTD." - Danny Stewart
Old September 25, 2006, 12:09 PM
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Yeah, i know what you mean, what year are you in? I'm in yr 9 and all the people can talk about is preparing for ur GCSEs and our end of year SATs on maths and science (we did our english ones last year!) It's literally torture, plus they force you to pay for stuff that u don't even want... damn their feeble minds.
Old September 25, 2006, 12:17 PM
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Im in year 13, so i have A-levels, much, much worse
Chris Britton
" As in, "RTD: Blargh" rather than "Blargh: RTD." Unless of course you're quoting Blargh about RTD." - Danny Stewart
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