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Old April 7, 2007, 11:10 AM
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Jez's Gallery

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Here's some stuff I've taken with my camera. I'll update it more as time goes on.

For those who are concerned, I'm using a Ricoh Caplio R4 camera - Info, Review and Testing. It's one of the best camera's I've ever used and I'd recommend it to anybody starting out in digital photography. See the previous link for evidence of it's uberness.

This little dude, who I mentioned in Dalek's thread, lived outside our back door (in the top right corner of the doorway as you walk out) for all of last summer. I couldn't resist giving him a shot of fame.

I've also uploaded the original hi-res photo just to give you an idea of the quality of the camera. It was a macro shot with the camera lens being about 2cm from the subject.


Another creepy-crawly that I snapped last summer. After some research I can say that it is certainly a member of the hoverfly family. Which one, I can't say yet.


I've always felt some of the best photos are those that feature the sky, clouds or the sun. This photo features all of them. Another one taken last year, I absolutely love the way the the sunlight is reflected off the gentle wisps of cloud, as well as the contrast between the different areas of the sky, and between the sky and the dark silhouettes of the trees.


Red Sunset (#1)
This was taken on Thursday night. Unfortunately, I missed the set at it's most spectacular but I feel that this is still a stunning photo. Once again, the clouds give good contrast. If you look hard enough, you can see Venus in this photo too.

Red Sunset

I took this photo yesterday. This little fella, who is a wood mouse, decided to pay us a visit. I managed to get within 4 foot of him, which was a distance he seemed comfortable with. I was lying down on my stomach, in a lot of dirt - now that is photography!

There is something about wildlife photography that is exceptionally pleasing. Most likely, the whole process of finding, stalking and capturing (on camera) the animal.


Timmy is one of our pet tortoises. In actual fact, Timmy is female but I didn't name her This was taken during the last summer, again, with me lying down in front of Timmy. Now that's dedication! I do have a photo of one of my cats sat next to Timmy but he wasn't in a photo-taking mood (when are cats ever in a photo taking mood?).

The other tortoise is a male called Speedy. He's a different breed, flatter shell and incredibly intelligent! I'll try to get him on camera at some point - he's a real character!

Jez (aka Turnbolt aka Pulse of Orion)
Latest Tracks: Sparks ||||| Battle Scene 1 (a Final Fantasy remix) (v0.2)

He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt him it was really quite hypnotic.

*Officially the most likeable person since the last one*
Old April 7, 2007, 11:21 AM
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Dalek104 (Offline)
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Excellent shots, Jez!

I hate spiders, but I love tortoises!

Timmy's picture is my favourite.
Old April 7, 2007, 11:37 AM
Danny Stewart's Avatar
Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Cool pictures, Jez! The Red Sunset one seems to be a tad blurry though. But still, thanks for sharing.
Old April 7, 2007, 4:43 PM
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Jez (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Dalek104 View Post
Excellent shots, Jez!

I hate spiders, but I love tortoises!

Timmy's picture is my favourite.
Haha, thanks. I'm gonna try to have the two tortes being a feature of my photography.

Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
Cool pictures, Jez! The Red Sunset one seems to be a tad blurry though. But still, thanks for sharing.
Thanks. Yeah, I saw that too, but that was the best of the bunch. I forgot to turn the anti-shake (vibration correction) on when taking it and my hands were shaking a bit (they were a tad numb!).

Thanks for the comments.
Jez (aka Turnbolt aka Pulse of Orion)
Latest Tracks: Sparks ||||| Battle Scene 1 (a Final Fantasy remix) (v0.2)

He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt him it was really quite hypnotic.

*Officially the most likeable person since the last one*
Old April 7, 2007, 5:04 PM
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What sort of dog is your tortoise?
Dost thou expect me, thy monarch, to dine on such meagre portions thus 'ere?!
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