Ok, I decided to watch this today instead of next week so I could start catching up. (also started using ConvertXtoDVD instead of Roxio... much faster. Just in case I'm using the HQ releases for that.)
It was awesome. The ghosting was an appropriate combination of creepy and sad. Gee I hope that doesn't actually happen when we advance that far.

The little girl thing is pretty intriguing, I venture to guess that she's the mind of the computer?
Interesting note: My dad thought Donna was "saved" by having been turned into a Biography.
Set itself up for an unbearable amount of mystery. I hope I can take the wait til next week to watch the next one...
Negative points:
The "DONNA NOBLE HAS LEFT THE LIBRARY DONNA NOBLE HAS BEEN SAVED" "HEY WHO TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS" thing was more annoying than creepy. "HEY WHO TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS" alone would have been very creepy, but sadly that didn't happen. :[
The first "ghosting" scene was also too long imo. They shouldnt''ve dragged it on that long.