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Old August 21, 2006, 10:54 AM
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Doctor Who - Time War

Just in case people can't get to "Doctor Who - Time War" in my blog, here it is as it is written.


Hello, I’m The Doctor. At first glance you may class me as a bit of an eccentric. But you can’t judge someone just by glancing at them.
I am going to tell you a story, it’s not a happy story I must warn you. It’s a story about a war with two alien races fighting against each other, now this story revolves around one certain member of one of these races. He had been up against the other race countless times, but never like this. Eventually he ends up being the only survivor, or at least he thought he was but I wont get started on that, that’s a different story.
If you don’t know already, this story’s about me, The Doctor, Hello. And this story actually goes back hundreds of years ago, I can tell you I looked very different then, I was all “Teeth and Curls” at that time, I’ve died and regenerated about five times since then though. Do you not know what regeneration is? Ok then, I’ll tell you.
So Basically, I die, I regenerate, I’m alive again, oh, and I have one hell of a body change.
This story starts with me in my last body, my eighth body.
Well I’ll finish of here, I’m sure you want to get on with the story, oh, and would you like a jelly baby?

The last of the Time Lords

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Old August 21, 2006, 10:56 AM
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Tardis Malfunction

Tardis Malfunction

Space, Time, it’s all relative when it comes down to The Doctor. Doctor Who you ask? Oh, just The Doctor. A Time Lord, from Galifrey, an exile, a renegade, a Tardis, his Tardis. That’s The Doctor, a few short things to summon him up, but by god there’s more, over 900 years more in fact. He’ll try to deny that he is over 900 years old, he’ll go with “I’m around about 900 years old” but he’ll never admit to being older.
The Doctor, the most amazing man in the universe, in time and space, yep, The Doctor.

Space, the most quiet place in existence. All the stars, planets and suns, all there, all peacefully hovering around each other.
A blue box cut through the silence, almost as if it was in a hurry to get somewhere or somewhen. This blue box may look like JUST a blue box, but it’s much more than that, it’s a Tardis, The Doctor’s Tardis. And inside, it was like a gothic cathedral, classic antiques everywhere, in a matter of fact, the style of it was very Edwardian.
Inside, a man was sitting in a chair, what he wore was very Edwardian, very posh, topped of with a dark green overcoat. The man himself, his hair was long, with wavy curls, with deep passionate green eyes and a slightly rugged, chiseled face. This man is The Doctor.
The Doctor sat in his chair, reading a diary, a diary that went up to 1000 years old. As you could tell, it was quite a big book. He was reading the beginning, reading his very own adventures. Oh how he had changed since those days, he was in his first body then, now, about six or seven hundred years down the line, seven regenerations, he was in his eighth body. Thinking about that made him feel old, even though other Time Lords have lived thousands of years, although he hadn’t spent that much time on Gallifrey with his own people, so he didn’t really go by there sense of what’s old and what’s young.
It made him happy reading about some of the happy times he had with his friends, people who he had picked up along the way. And it had him sad thinking about the times had to see them leave, but always continuing, never the chance to look back.
Boom, the was an explosion coming from the controls, he leapt up and ran across to the comtrols, pressing buttons, flicking switches. He pulled down the time monitor to check the readings. “Malfunction”, it read. Then, the Cloister Bell rang, then the Doctor new he was in trouble. The Cloister Bell only rings in emergencies, so what ever was happening, it was big.
VWORP VWORP went then engines of the Tardis as it materialized, the Doctor check the monitor again to check where he was, it read “Skaro”, he then made sure that the oxygen and radiation levels were ok and proceeded to checking what time period this was. He had been here before, and at this exact time period as well, this was the home planet of the Daleks, his fiercest enemies, and this was the time period where he witnessed something, the beginning, this is where he witnessed the birth of the Daleks.
He was in his fourth body at the time, and he was on a mission by the High Council of the Time Lords to either stop the Daleks creation or make it so that they become a less dominant race. He had succeeded in some ways. But now he was back, and he was brought here, but by whom and what for.
The Doctor pressed a few more buttons on the controls and walked towards the door, as he was about to leave, he said to himself, “Well, here we go”.
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Old August 21, 2006, 10:57 AM
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A Familiar Face

A Familiar Face

The Doctor cautiously set a foot outside the Tardis, he knew that it wasn’t the Daleks he should be worried about as they weren’t quite operative yet. But he was in a war zone, so he had to be quiet.
He walked about with no idea of where he was, all he knew was that he was somewhere on Skaro. Dawn was just breaking over the horizon, so it was still rather chilly.
The Doctor saw a hill up ahead, he decided to climb up it to try and get his bearings. As he struggled to the top, he looked around. “Nothing, absolutely nothing”, the Doctor said to himself. He knew exactly who sent him here, it was the Time Lords, “the least they could have done was drop me off somewhere of significance”, the Doctor thought to himself.
The Doctor saw somebody in the distance, he squinted his eyes to try and see who it was. It was himself, in his fourth body, this was the time period in which he was sent on a mission by the Time Lords to try to either avert the Daleks creation or make them a less aggressive species.
He looked into the distance as another Time Lord appeared beside his fourth body, this Time Lord was dressed in black robes. Just then, as he looked at his previous self, a voice appeared beside him, “do you remember what we talked about then”, said the voice, the voice belonged to the same Time Lord that had appeared next to his fourth body, “yes, you told me about a mission that you wanted me to go on to try and stop the Daleks creation or make it so that the become a less dominant race”, replied the Doctor. “Yes, but still, as successful as you were in making them less dominant, time has still seen them become more and more aggressive, and now, they have reached a certain point where they are about to become almost unstoppable. If they should succeed in their next plan, then it could eventually see them reach their greatest plan, to become the ultimate masters of the universe”, said the Time Lord, “How?” Asked the Doctor. “Come, walk with me and I’ll explain it on the way”, said the Time Lord.
Suddenly, the surroundings around them changed, they were in the old Kaled base. The base in which the Doctor and the Thals, the Kaleds hated enemies had trapped the Daleks. It had took them a thousand years to dig themselves out.
In front of them were several Daleks, “don’t worry, they can’t see us”, said the Time Lord, “Oh”, replied the Doctor. “I just wanted you to witness this conversation, Doctor”, said the Time Lord
“We have discovered the species that the Doctor originates from using his DNA”, said one of the Daleks to what seemed to be the leader, “he comes from a race known as the Time Lords”, it continued. “That will be useful for our attack in vengeance for trapping us down here”, replied the Dalek leader. “The Time Lords are highly evolved, intellectual beings, they would pose a problem in our plans”, said the first Dalek, “then we will exterminate”, replied the Dalek leader.

“And they did try to attack the Time Lords, when I was in my fifth body, they created clones of people which they planed to use in an invasion against the Time Lords”, said the Doctor, “yes, that is correct”, replied the Time Lord.
Once again, their surroundings changed, this time they were on a Dalek spaceship in the presence of two Daleks, a gray Dalek and the black Dalek Supreme.

“The time for our plan of action is now, our retaliation against the Time Lords is set, we shall exterminate all Time Lords”, said the Dalek Leader, “but what will happen if our plan fails?” Asked the gray Dalek, “Then we shall start preparing TL.1, the Time Lords will be exterminated”, replied the Dalek Leader.

“What is TL.1?” asked the Doctor, “you will find out soon enough”, replied the Time Lord. “But now, we shall reach our final destination”, said the Time Lord.
Their surroundings changed once more, this time it was another spaceship. This ship was taken over by Davros, the creator of the Daleks.
This time it was a place the Doctor had been in his current body, at this point, the Doctor and his companions had been allowed to leave by the Daleks and had just left.
Davros had finally mutated into a Dalek and now his personality was taken over by a different personality, now he was the Emperor Dalek.

“Why did you allow the Doctor to leave? Why didn’t you EXTERMINATE HIM?” asked the Emperor Dalek, “We allowed him to leave so that we can brief you on TL.1, once TL.1 is in action, the Doctor will be exterminated, but his death will be much more satisfying.” Replied a Dalek.

The surroundings changed back to their original surroundings. “So, the Daleks have been planning TL.1 for a very long time, and it will result in the deaths of all Time Lords”, said the Doctor, “yes, we need your help, we need your knowledge of the Daleks, we need you to help us defend ourselves against the Daleks”, replied the Time Lord.
“If the Daleks have been planning this for such a long time, then it must be a massive attack, the Daleks are my enemies, I am the one who they planned this for, I am the one who continually thwart their plans, and I am the only one that they are afraid of. Yes, I will help you, and I will not stop until they are defeated”, said the Doctor, “thank you, we need your help immediately, we need you now Doctor”, said the Time Lord. “I will leave now, I’ll arrive the exact moment I leave”. “Thank you”, replied the Time Lord.
The Doctor started walking back to his Tardis, “wait a minute, were you the one who brought my Tar………” but the Time Lord had gone.
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Last edited by Ben Dawson; August 22, 2006 at 2:56 AM
Old August 21, 2006, 8:50 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Ooh, this is very good stuff!
Old August 22, 2006, 4:07 AM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
... Bazinga!
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Thanks, I've only just started rewritting it so if you like it now, just wait 'til you see what I've got planned.
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Old August 23, 2006, 2:19 PM
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oh, and if you've got any ideas that you would like to be seen in "Time War", just ask, it can become a little hard after a while when it comes to something like this.
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Old August 24, 2006, 12:39 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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I certainly can understand that.
Old September 5, 2006, 4:13 PM
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Chapter 3.......A Time Lords Best Friend

Here's the third chapter.

A Time Lords Best Friend

The Doctor started to walk back, he climbed on top of a hill to try and find his Tardis. It was a bit hard seeing as night was falling and the Tardis wasn’t exactly bright coloured. But he spotted a box type shape a little bit further along.
After hiking across for about five minutes, he found the Tardis, he also saw that someone was lurking around it.
The man appeared again, “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I’ve brought someone that you may find pretty handy, She’s changed quite a bit since you last saw her mind you”, he said and then he disappeared again, the Doctor continued walking again, feeling a little bit dazzled.
“Hello, I’m the Doctor, can I help you?” The person turned round in shock, the Doctor saw that it was a woman.
She had long messy dark red hair, with bright blue eyes, she wore long baggy jeans with worn ends, topped of with big heavy black boots, she also wore a baggy black jumper. She had slightly pale skin. Her face was decorated with make up, with dark glossy lipstick, her eyes were darkened with black eye shadow.
“Hello Doctor, I believe we’ve met”, said the woman, “have we?” asked the Doctor. “Yes, I’m Romana”, she replied. The Doctor remembered her, of course he did, she traveled with the Doctor once, she eventually left his company in the alternate reality of E Space. But somehow she managed to get back to Galifrey, the planet of the Time Lords and she eventually became the president of Gallifrey. “Oh, god, you’ve changed since I last saw you”, said the Doctor. “Believe it or not Doctor, but this is actually my 5th body”. “The last time I saw you, you were still in your 2nd body”, replied the Doctor. “I know, but there’s no time to talk about all that, we can catch up on the old tea parties later”, said Romana.
The Doctor opened the door to the Tardis, “ladies first”, he said. “Thanks”, replied Romana. “I can’t believe you travel around in something that has such a gothic style”, said Romana. “Speak for yourself Romana, when did you become the black sheep?” “About a year ago, this is still relatively a new body” answered Romana. “So what were the circumstances of your last regneration?” asked the Doctor, “I was assassinated, which is why I stepped down as president, I’ve since been living a renegade lifestyle kinda like yours”, replied Romana, “ah”, said the Doctor. The Doctor ran over to the controls, flicked a few switches and set in Galifrey as the destination and set the Tardis off. Vworp Vworp went the engines as the Tardis dematerialized. “Now, while we’re waiting to materialize, why don’t you put you feet up on I’ll get you a cup of tea, or whatever it is that you do,” said the Doctor. “Actually, have you got any Diet Coke?” Asked Romana, “er…………..probably, I’ll go and check”, replied the Doctor.
The Doctor walked down the hallway, he entered a through a door that lead into the kitchen, inside was a massive kitchen with a lot of cooking equipment. The Doctor entered the fridge which was the size of a small room. In there he saw a batch of full Diet Coke bottles, he grabbed one of them and exited the fridge. He looked in a cupboard and grabbed a large glass and filled it with the Coke, he added three ice cubes and a straw as well as a slice of lemon on the edge of the glass.
He put the Diet Coke bottle back into the fridge and headed back down the hallway and back into the Control Room. He saw Romana reading his diary, “Ehem, here’s your coke”, said the Doctor. Romana slammed the book shut and put it back on the table and looked at the Doctor nervously “Thanks, er, I was just er…..”Romana broke off, “it’s ok, it’s not much of a diary anyway, I consider it more of a journal”, said the Doctor. “Ok then, thanks for the coke”, said Romana. “Actually, I admire you curiosity”, said the Doctor, “really?”, Asked Romana, “oh yeah, life’s more fun when you’re curious” Said the Doctor. “I suppose”, she replied.
“So, how exactly were you assassinated? And why?” asked the Doctor, “I don’t really like to talk about it, when something like that happens, it tends to be quite a sensitive thing”, replied Romana.
“Do you know what is going on? And why you suddenly found yourself on Skaro”, asked the Doctor, sitting down in the chair opposite Romana. “Yes, you weren’t the only one who was briefed about what was going on, although it was a bit of a shock to have that man appear out of nowhere, I didn’t recognize him though, did you?” replied Romana, sipping her coke. “Yes, I’ve er…..had connections to him previously”, answered the Doctor. “You have, when?” Asked Romana, “when I was in my 4th body, I suddenly found myself on Skaro, he then appeared out of nowhere and told me about the assignment that they had for me, he told me that I had to either stop the Daleks creation or make it so that they become a less dominant and evil being, I was a little reluctant to accept at first because the Time Lords seemed to be meddling in my life a little too often, but it appears now that I hadn’t succeeded as well as I thought I had.”, replied the Doctor.
“How long until the Tardis materializes?” Asked Romana, “about 5 minutes”, replied the Doctor.
“So, you’ve taken quite a gothic turn, haven’t you”, said the Doctor, “Yes, and I’ve been a lot more interested of pop culture of the early 1990’s as well”, replied Romana. “Ah, been into the Alternative Rock then, have you?” Asked the Doctor, “A bit, although I haven’t spent all my time in the 90’s though, I’ve been traveling quite a bit”, replied Romana. “Living a bit of a lone wolf life then”, said the Doctor, “yup, kinda like you”, said Romana. The Doctor smiled.


A Time Lord was sitting at a set of controls in a control room. “Hello”, said the mysterious Time Lord that had briefed the Doctor and Romana. “Jesus, don’t creep up on me like that”, said the shocked man at the controls. “I did it, I’ve got the Doctor and Romana on their way”, said the mysterious Time Lord. “Good, we need the Doctors help here, there is no way that we are ever going to stand against the Daleks without the Doctor. Their fear and hatred of him are the only thing that we can help us”, said the Time Lord at the controls. “If you need me for anything else, just ask”, said the mysterious Time Lord, “ok, oh, and by the way, what is your name?” Asked the Time Lord at the controls, “you can call me Jon, Jon Doe”, replied the mysterious Time Lord

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Old September 5, 2006, 4:14 PM
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Chapter 3 continued

Vworp Vworp went the Tardis’s engines, “we’ve arrived”, said the Doctor. “C’mon, lets go” said the Doctor, “wait, aren’t you going to check the monitor for signs of trouble Doctor”, said Romana, “This isn’t Skaro Romana, I don’t think we’re going to run into any trouble here”, said the Doctor. The Doctor and Romana stepped out of the Tardis and were greated by a gang of Time Lords with guns, “FREEZE”, they all said at once, “see what I mean Doctor” said Romana. The Doctor reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small packet, “would you like a Jelly Baby?” Asked the Doctor, “ wait, you’re the Doctor. Thank god you’re here”, said the leader of the gang, as she stepped out. She was quite a tall woman with a very stern looking face, with frowning eye brows and a mouth that looked as if it hadn’t ever cracked a smile, until she found out the he was the Doctor.
“Yes, and this is……” the Doctor was cut off “yes, we know who this is, we were ordered to escort you to her old offices” said the gang leader, nodding her head at Romana. “Oh, alright, might as well set off now”, said the Doctor.

They walked along a massive city of buildings, although there were no vehicles, no people on the streets, no sign of life at all. “This is weird, there’s not a single person out here”, said the Doctor to Romana, “that’s because they’ve all been evacuated to underground bases”, said the gang leader, “oh”, replied the Doctor. “Anyway, why are we being escorted to your old offices?” Asked the Doctor, “because I’ve got an old friend up there that we are gonna need”, said Romana, “ok”, replied the Doctor.

They reached a massive building, over 200 stories high, it was the presidentary quarters. They entered into the lobby and through to the lifts. They enter one of them and the gang leader pressed 200, the doors shut, there was a whirring noise as it started upwards, it only took a couple of minutes to get to the top, it started off slow but quickly sped up.
They stepped out and Romana took the lead, she entered through some massive doors and lead them into a beautiful big room, with one hell of a view of the city from the balcony, it was a wonderful piece of Time Lord architecture from the ages before Time Lords even knew of alien life forms. Romana triggered an alarm and an eye scanner appeared on the far wall, she looked into it and a compartment opened up in the wall, she went in alone.
The Doctor sat down in a chair, he waited patiently for Romana to come back out, the whole time not a single one of the gang of Time Lords spoke.
Finally there was something moving out of the compartment in the wall. Suddenly, a robotic dog came shooting out, with controls on his back and “K-9” marked on his side. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, hello K-9”, said the Doctor, “hello Master” replied the robotic dog.
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Old September 10, 2006, 9:21 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Better and better! This is impressively written.
Old September 11, 2006, 2:42 AM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
... Bazinga!
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Thanks, I thought it best to go for a new incarnation of Romana. And because of the dark nature of her previous incarnations death (yet to be fully explained), she's gone for a more gothic look. I'm considering all areas while I'm writting this, making sure that there's back stories.

Chapter four is now in the works, it should be up here anytime in the next week (I can't say when, hey, if I have the time, it might be up today).

Thank you for your kind words Danny, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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Old September 17, 2006, 8:18 AM
Posts: n/a
dude that rawks! i'm sorry, my stories could never be as good as that! and they're always about people i know! so u'd have absolutely no idea who it was i was talking about! ^^
Old September 17, 2006, 9:34 AM
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glad you liked it.
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Old September 18, 2006, 11:06 AM
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Chapter 4

Finally, here is chapter four.

Testing, Testing, Systems Booting

“What is that thing?” Asked the gang leader, “I am not a thing, I am K-9 Mark III. I have defensive systems, retreat, retreat”, replied K-9. “Hold it K-9, hold it, they’re with us, they don’t intend any harm”, said the Doctor. “They are not registered as police, they are agent that are infiltrating the Galifreyan defences”, said K-9. “It’s wrong, it’s a talking dog, it’s a machine, it can’t be trusted it………” Romana cut of the gang leader “He’s my most trusted ally, he hasn’t been wrong about anything in the past, even when he’s just come out of deactivation. And he’s never betrayed us. If he’s telling us that you are traitors, then I want you to prove otherwise”. The gang pull out guns, they were about to shoot when they suddenly got shot down, “I think that proves that they are enemy agents”, said the woman who shot the gang leader.


“How is the Doctor coming along”, asked the mysterious Time Lord who called himself Jon Doe. “Not to badly, he was intercepted by enemy agents but they’ve been taken care of”, said the Time Lord at the controls.
“If I may ask, you know what to call me, but what is your name?” Asked Jon Doe, “Axandrazuton, but you can call me Axandra, everbody else does”, replied the Time Lord at the controls.
“Anyway, they’ve just activated their robotic dog, K-9”, said Axandra. “Hmm, I suppose it should be handy”, said Jon Doe. “Oh he’s not an it, he’s a he. He may have a metal body but he has got an artificial Intelligent brain, and he can catch illnesses just like an organic organism”, corrected Axandra. “Really, that is interesting. Anyway, let me know if anything happens”, said Jon Doe. “Something’s happening now, they’re talking”, said Axandra with a smile on his face, “I meant if something important happens”, replied Jon Doe, returning the smile.


“I’m the leader of the real gang of police, we were originally going to be the ones to escort you but they had trapped us at the police station”, said the real gang leader.
“Ah, well, we’re safe now. Thank you. So what’s your name?” Asked the Doctor. “My name is Alandra, it’s short for Alandratuskon. My brother works in the top department at the police station, he deals with security and defense, his name’s Axandrazuton but everybody just calls him Axandra. I’d watch out for him, he’s a bit of a JOKER”, said Alandra.
“Loading files, rebooting energy sources, testing, testing, systems booting”, mumble K-9 incoherently. “He’s been deactivated for a long time, it’s going to take about five minutes to get back to normal”, said Romana.
“So anyway, the other members of this gang are Listouson”, Alandra pointed to a scrawny little man, quite young, with bright blonde hair, “he may look young but he plays on that to make people think he’s naïve, he looks small but he’s fast and a lot stronger than he looks. This is Nolada”, this time she pointed to a slightly older looking woman with long black hair, and deep green eyes. She smiled at the Doctor nervously, he smile back. “And last but not least, the one’s Yulotous”, she pointed to a sulky man who looked like he was in his late forties, “oh don’t worry about Yulotous here, he’s just in a mood because I was appointed in charge of escorting you instead of him, isn’t that right”, said Alandra, Yulotous replied with a moan. “Anyway, I think we had better set off”, said Alandra, “where are we going?” Asked the Doctor, “to the department that my brother works in at the police station”, replied Alandra, “ah, ok. Are you alright coming along
K-9?” Asked the Doctor, “affirmative, master”, replied K-9.


Axandra picked up a phone, dialed a number and waited for someone to answer. “Hello, Jon, something’s happening”. “I’ll be right there”.

“What’s happening Axandra?” Asked Jon, “the Doctor and his company are making their way over to the building”, replied Axandra. “Good, good, I want you to brief them on what’s measures are being taken. But Axandra, don’t tell the Doctor that I am involved, he must not know about me, at least not for the moment, when the time is right, he will find out all about me”. “Ok, you will be left out of it”, replied Axandra.
“I’ll be going now, I’ll be close by, I must know what the Doctor has said. When he goes, brief me on what he has said”, “Alright”. A voice droned out of a speaker, “the Doctor and his company are here”, “er thankyou, send them up………….well get out of here Jon”, “I’m going, I’m going”, he replied.


“My brother works in this department, he’s been given the task of briefing you on our plans on defenses”, said Alandra “Hold on, how do you know about the Daleks plan to attack?” Asked the Doctor, “we have an………anonymous ally who has foreseen the event”, she replied. “How do you know that this person can be trusted?” Asked the Doctor, “Oh lets just say, this person would be one of the must least likely to betray us, he help you to bring you to us” she replied. “I would very much like to meet this…….anonymous person”, “who says you haven’t, and who says you wont in the future”.
“So how far along this hallway are you taking us?” Asked Romana, “just through this door”, answered Alandra, pointing to a door behind her.
They walked through the door, “Hello, I’m Axandra, I’m sure you’ve been told about me, I’m Alandra’s brother”, “we’ll just be waiting outside”, said Alandra “thank you,” replied Axandra. “Well, where to begin, we have prepared a defense mechanism that scans the entire planet, if anything should enter the atmosphere a massive alarm will be set of all over Galifrey”. “That’s pretty good”, said the Doctor “but what about other defenses, battle defenses for instance”. “Well, we’ve set up an army of the fittest, strongest and smartest of Time Lords, we have had billions of Time Lords tested on fitness and strength, and then we gave each and every one of them an IQ test with the lowest pass rate of 2000”, replied Axandra, “Wow, that must have been a hell of a lot of work….ahem….would you like a Jelly Baby?” said the Doctor. “Thank you, and yes, that was a lot of work, but we needed to do it otherwise we wont stand a chance against the Daleks”. “That’s very true, the Daleks are ruthless and that’s equaled only by their mass and power”, replied the Doctor. “Come, we’ll go to the cafeteria, we’ll sit down, have a drink, and then I can brief you on more of the situation”.


Inside a massive space ship, millions of machines that looked a lot like giant pepper pots with a stalk for an eye, a stalk with a suction cup at the end a gun that looked like an egg whisk where stood still watching a gigantic monitor. Stood in front of the pepper pots was another pepper pot like machine with a head bigger than the others, this was the emperor of the Daleks and it was a force to be reckoned with, “Activate the bug”,
It shouted, it’s voice echoed throughout the gigantic control room, robots that looked vaguely like humans were punching out controls.


“Shall we head of then Doctor?” asked Axandra “I don’t see why not”, replied the Doctor.
“Affirmative master”, said K-9, answering a voice only he could here “I have orders, you will be exterminated”, said K-9.
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Old September 19, 2006, 9:15 AM
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Chapter 5

I know it hasn't been long since the last chapter, but I've had quite a bit of spare time today to start and finish this one, it isn't too long but I reckon it's detailed enough.

A Plan In Action

“You must be exterminated, exterminate, exterminate”, screamed K-9 in voice that sounded more and more like a Daleks, “K-9, it’s me, it’s the Doctor, you aren’t a Dalek. You are my friend, not my enemy.” Said the Doctor, trying to reason with K-9, “don’t you get it, he’s a Dalek agent”, shouted Axandra “he’s not, he’s been tampered with”, replied the Doctor.
Alandra, Romana, Listouson, Nolada and Yulotous ran through the door. K-9 shot a beam from his gun at his nose, the Doctor ducked out of the way of the beam but the beam hit Axandra instead, he collapsed on the floor. The Doctor dived over to K-9 and whipped out his sonic screwdriver, activated it and pointed it at K-9s head. K-9s head drooped as he deactivated.
“He’s dead, that stupid dog killed my brother”, screamed Alandra, “no he didn’t, it was the Daleks, they had bugged him with this”, the Doctor said as he pulled out a small machine that had been inside K-9s wiring. “It would appear that the Daleks have started putting their plan in action”, said the Doctor, “it doesn’t matter about that, look, it’s started”, said Romana, pointing to Axandra’s dead body. His face started to glow a whitish colour, his eyes opened but they were as black as space, his hair changed to a mousy brown colour and wavy, his lips became thin and his cheeks became more chiseled, his jaw became square shaped.

He eyes closed, everyone was standing over his limp body, waiting for some sign of movement, some sign of life. His hand twitched, his eyes jolted open, “HE-LLO, now that was empowering”, he said in a deeper voice than what he had before the regeneration.
“Are you ok?” Asked Alandra, “Oh yeah, it’s amazing the feeling of Regeneration”, replied Axandra with a satisfied smirk on his face. “That was his first regeneration”, said Alandra, “he must take it very well. Whenever I regenerate, I always have problems mentally, I can never deal with the excess energies, I only go back normal after it burns itself out”, said the Doctor. “You’re scared Doctor, I can sense it, you’re afraid that we wont be able to stop the Daleks”, said Axandra, “What makes you think that?” Asked the Doctor, “I’m channeling these excess energies into reading you’re thoughts, don’t ask me how, I don’t know myself”, replied Axandra. “Sometimes, a newly regenerated Time Lord can read other peoples thoughts because of the temporary high sensitivity of his or her senses, it should ware of within the next 6 hours, that’s 15 earth hours”, said Listouson. “Maybe we should get that drink now, well go right after I reactivate K-9”, said the Doctor.


“The bug was successful in it’s trial run”, said a white Dalek to the Emperor Dalek, “Excellent, send the order to activate all the bugs, the first step of action is ready to beginning”, said the Emperor Dalek. “But the Doctor knows the truth about the bugs”, said the white Dalek, “it doesn’t matter, he can’t stop them all, once they have taken to effect, the Time Lords will have to shut down their power supply to their defense to get under control”, replied the Emperor Dalek. “Activate the bugs screamed the white Dalek”, a rush of movement fell upon the robots, once again, they were punching controls.


“Could I have six coffees and…oo…I’ll have six of those Bananas”, said the Doctor to the robot that was serving, “I will bring them over when the coffees are done”, said the robot that was serving.
“I’ve got the coffees and got a Banana for each of us”, “a Banana?” asked Romana, “what, Bananas are good”, said the Doctor with a smile. “You’re about to ask if I’m feeling ok, aren’t you” said Axandra to Alandra, “I was thinking of it” she replied, “well, I am, thanks” replied Axandra with the smirk appearing on his face again, “So, what about……………….. € the Doctor was cut of by the robot that was serving, “You must be exterminated, you will be exterminated, exterminate, exterminate, exterminate”, chanted the robot, Romana jumped up from her seat, buried her hand in the Doctors pocket and pulled out a pack of Jelly Babies, “That wont do it”, she said, “hurry up”, said the Doctor, struggling to speak. The others got up and tried to release the Doctor, Romana found what she was looking for, she pulled out the sonic screwdriver and activated it, the robot froze stiff and then collapsed on top of the Doctor, “will you please get this bloody thing of me”, said the Doctor.
The Doctor gasped heavily, trying to get his breath back, “if that had one of the Dalek bugs in it, then how far around have they managed to plant the……..” the Doctor was cut off by loads of screams from outside, “oh my god, they’ve started, they’re attacking” said Alandra. They ran out to find hundreds of machines had built up an army, ready to attack.
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Old September 29, 2006, 2:44 AM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
... Bazinga!
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oh, by the way, I forgot to write it but the "Robot that was serving" was choking the Doctor. Sorry about that.
Anyway, chapter six is on it's way soon. We'll be...lets say...seeing some old faces.
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Old October 5, 2006, 2:48 PM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
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Chapter Six :Every Doctor Is Needed

Every Doctor is needed

They all had some kind of weapon. Knives, guns, swords. They all had something.
They readied their weapons, and then they ran, they ran towards the Time Lords.
Then, a high pitched screech hit the air like a thousand knives to an ear, all the machines collapsed to the floor. K-9 appeared from the rubble, “I try to help when I can”, said K-9. “That was you?” asked the Doctor, “yes, I’ve been upgraded by my Mistress since we last met, Master”, answered K-9. “I never upgraded you to do that”, said Romana, “you recorded a message in me to warn you if any intruders were detected trying to break into you offices, I simply played the message at a really high frequency, their computer chips couldn’t process the sound so the deactivated”. “Oh that’s really clever K-9”, said the Doctor, bending down to pat the robotic dog.


An old, white haired man crouching at the controls of his tardis, then he suddenly collapsed on the floor. Two people ran across to his side, one of them was a young male called Ben and the other was a young blonde female called Polly. The white haired old man’s face was starting to glow, but then he just faded away. “where is he? where’s the Doctor?” said Polly, “Well I don’t know”, replied Ben.


“The first incarnation of the Doctor has been successfully taken from his Time Stream” said the white Dalek, “good, continue with the operation”, replied the Emperor Dalek.
The first Doctor suddenly appeared in a glass tube container, he was unconscious but apart from that he seemed unhurt.


“Well, let’s get on with discussing the pl…..”, the Doctor collapsed. “Doctor, Doctor, are you alright?” “Yes Romana, it’s just…I had a sudden feeling, something I’ve only felt once before”, “what Doctor? What is it?” “It’s just, my first incarnation has been pulled away from my Time Stream, the Daleks are trying to pull my incarnations away from me”, said the Doctor. “That’s impossible, isn’t it?” asked Alandra “no, the Daleks have progressed in technology. They’ve successfully built time machines, and now they’ve progressed even further, now they are on a level of power over time only succeeded by the Time Lords. Still though, they have the technology to take my incarnations…… and if they kill any of them then they kill all incarnations after them”, said the Doctor. “Come on Doctor, come with me, there is one thing we can still do”, said Alandra.


Shall we kill the first incarnation of the Doctor now?” Asked the white Dalek, “no, as long as we keep him hostage then we have a certain control over the Doctor”, replied the Emperor Dalek. “Proceed in taking his other incarnations”.


“What are you doing? Where are we?” Asked the Doctor, “we are at a place that offers us the best possible chance”, replied Alandra. They were in a room full of machines and wires. “Here, step on here”, said Alandra, she guided the Doctor onto a pad, a glass tube lowered around the Doctor, “try to relax, this may…sting a little”, said Alandra. She operated a massive computer with a huge screen. It displayed all of the Doctor’s details, including his past incarnations, all except his first, which the Daleks had captured.
Her hands wizzed across the keyboard, and then the machines surrounding the Doctor became active.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!†, the Doctor was in serious pain, tubes from his container connected to other containers, bright lights came from the Doctor and went into the other tubes. Then other people appeared in the other glass tubes, they were all unconscious at first but woke up quickly. The first one was a small man with a mop of messy black hair, his facial features were very clownish, as he woke up a huge grin appeared on his face “Ah, there you are, I was told that I would bump into you”, said the little man, “you probably know me, I’m the Doctor, the second one” he said. Then the man in the glass chamber next to him woke up. He had a flock of gray hair and wore very flamboyant clothing. He wore a frilly shirt with a short dark purple overcoat topped off with a velvet cape behind him. “Oh, things must be bad if we’re both here together, scarecrow”, said the gray haired man “ah I see you’ve woke up, I knew things couldn’t stay peaceful for long”, said the second Doctor to the gray haired man. “I’m the Doctor by the way”, the gray haired man to Alandra and Romana, “yes, we know, you all are, “oh, ok” replied the third Doctor.
Then the fourth Doctor woke up, he a flock of curly brown hair, wide eyes and a really big grin. His clothing was weird, he wore a long brown over coat with a long stripy multi coloured scarf. “Mhm, I must say I don’t really like your idea of……..you’ve got my other incarnations here, haven’t you?” said the fourth Doctor, “well, it doesn’t matter why you’ve got us here but I demand you let us go at once”, said the fourth Doctor, “we will, but first we need to check to see that there’s no body shock, we’ll explain why you’re here once you are all awake”, said Alandra.
Next up was the fifth Doctor, he was the youngest looking of the previous four, he had a flock of neat blond hair with dark brown eyes, he wore a cricket jumper with a dark cream coloured coat with red lining and a stick of celery on the lapel. “Hmm...where am I”, the fifth Doctor asked with a slight hint of eccentric curiosity. “We’ll get to you all in a minute”, said Alandra, “All…?” The fifth Doctor looked around, “ah, you,”, said the fifth Doctor with gentle satisfaction now that he knew what his other selves were what Alandra was on about. “Yes, us”, said the second Doctor.
Now the sixth Doctor was waking. He had blondish-red hair and quite a stern looking face, he wore a pale blue coloured shirt held up by suspenders and a coat with multi coloured patchwork. “Now just where the hell am……” the sixth Doctor was cut off, “oh shut up, I’ll explain in a minute”, said Alandra, the sixth Doctor was about to argue back but just frowned and stayed quiet.
Finally, the seventh Doctor was waking up. He had blank brown eyes and blackish-brown hair. He wore a V-neck jumper covered with question marks topped with a dark green overcoat, wrapped around the back of his neck was a flimsy looking silk scarf.
“Before you ask, I will tell you where you are and why you are here in a minute”, said Alandra, “I wasn’t going to ask, I was going to wait for you to explain, but there is no need to be so rude”, said the seventh Doctor with a frown.

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Old October 5, 2006, 2:49 PM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
... Bazinga!
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Chapter Six continued


“We can not find the other incarnations of the Doctor, they have been taken out of their time stream”, said the white Dalek, “they have been taken out of their time streams to prevent us from kidnapping them. This is an unfortunate turn of events but I have a back up plan”, replied the Emperor Dalek, “What is it?” “The Doctor is constantly in danger as long as we have his first incarnation, as we have him, the other incarnations of the Doctor will do stop at nothing to get their first body back. He will break into the mother ship to get back his first body”, replied the Emperor Dalek, “and then we exterminate him?” Asked the white Dalek, “no, the we send a fleet of Daleks to invade Galifrey and show the Doctor through the monitor what is happening, we kill him emotionally as well as physically”, replied the Emperor Dalek


“Ok, the vital signs look good, all 7 Doctors have successfully been taken out of their time stream”, said Alandra, “Then will you let us out?” Asked the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth Doctors together. “Yes,” Alandra said with a frustrated look on her face.
The eighth Doctor collapsed out of his tube, all the other Doctors ran over to his body, “He my boy, have a Jelly Baby”, said the fourth Doctor with a wide grin, “thank you, but I have got my own”, replied the eighth Doctor. The eighth Doctor stood up, “you are all here,” he said, “you are kind of stating the obvious but yes”, said the sixth Doctor. “Leave him alone, he’s just had a bad shock to the system. It may interest you to know that this’ll happen to us all some day”, said the seventh Doctor. “hang on hang on, how do you know that I’m one of you?” Asked the eighth Doctor, “when a Time Lords former selves are taken out of their time stream, if they should come across a previous or future body, then mentally they connect together, they just know”, answered Alandra.
“Well, I think it’s time you told us what is going on”, said the third Doctor.


“Wow, that’s quite something”, said the sixth Doctor. “What should we do?” asked the fifth Doctor, “well it’s obvious that we need to get our first self back, we need to be one”, said the second Doctor. “We have to go alone, we can’t jeopardize peoples lives”, said the fifth Doctor, “I’m afraid that is what the Daleks will be expecting and there’ll be no way of us seven going through millions of Daleks”, said the eighth Doctor.
“We’ve been preparing for this, we have a fleet of five million Time Lords ready for battle. Just say the word and we’ll invade the mother ship where the Daleks are holding the first Doctor”, “you know that this isn’t my choice, that even millions of Time Lords could die”, said the eighth Doctor, “it’s either die when the Daleks invade an they have the upper hand, or die to save trillions upon trillions of lives, your call Doctor”, said Romana. “Ok, who is she?” asked the second Doctor “I am Romanadvoratrelundar, you can call me Romana, I have already traveled with the fourth Doctor and I’m sure he and the eighth Doctor will brief you in on who exactly I am on your way to the Dalek mother ship”, she replied. “Hmph, very well, you can explain to me and fancie pants” “Scarecrow”, the third Doctor butted in, “as I was saying, you can tell us on the way”, said the second Doctor.
“Ok, and who are the other five”, asked the second Doctor, “I’ll tell you in the Tardis”, said the eighth Doctor.
They started walking down the hallway to the lift, “you know, that was quite rude of you to but in like that”, “maybe I should reverse the polarity of the neutron flow in the part of your brain to allow a bit of humour”. “Reverse the polarity, you just made that term up to make it sound as if you just did something important when a monkey from earth could have done what you just did”, “I did not”. The second and third Doctor’s continued arguing, “oh this is going to be fun”, said the eighth Doctor to the fourth, “Jelly Baby?” the fourth Doctor handed a white paper bag with Jelly Babies in, the eighth Doctor sighed, “why not”, he replied.

Here it is at last, I've been working on this one for quite a while now and I've JUST finished, enjoy.
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