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Old November 29, 2006, 12:53 PM
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Doctor Who DVD Guide (Classic and New)

I'm not sure how many people here collect the Classic Series DVDs that are reguarly released by the BBC. However for those who do, I've created this guide as to what stories are available and due to be released (admittedly most of the collectors will already know most of this information and this is really only useful for those wanting to start out collecting them. Might come in useful though, I don't know).

Serials are released containing all episodes unless indicated otherwise (note this only applies to the earlier Doctors' "Lost" stories). In these cases, a record of surviving material appears in brackets beside the episode title.
I have broken the serials down by Doctor, and then attempted to list them in the order that they were broadcast.
Please appreciate that this took me a while to collate (especially looking up the order that the serials were broadcast in), and would appreciate any advice on how to improve it that you could give! Also be sure to let me know if this guide is useful to you.

(SR) = Seperate Release (refers to this serial being released by itself on a DVD)
(BS) = Box Set (refers to this serial being released with others in a box set; the set it is available in is listed in italics afterwards).

Forthcoming Releases

The Keeper of Traken - (BS) New Beginnings (aka Return of the Master) 22/01/2007
Logopolis - (BS) New Beginnings (aka Return of the Master) 22/01/2007
Castrovalva - (BS) New Beginnings (aka Return of the Master) 22/01/2007
The Time Meddler - (SR) 05/03/2007 (Region 2 Only)
The Invasion -
(SR) March 2007 (Region 1 Only)
The Sontaran Experiment - (SR) March 2007 (Region 1 Only)

Already Released

This list applies to both Region 1 and Region 2 unless stated otherwise.

William Hartnell

An Unearthly Child - (BS) The Beginning

The Daleks (Episodes 2, 4, 7) - (BS) The Beginning
The Edge of Destruction - (BS) The Beginning
The Aztecs -
The Dalek Invasion Of Earth -
The Web Planet -
The Crusade (Episodes 1, 3; 2, 4 - Audio Only) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Daleks Master Plan (Episodes 2, 5, 10 & Surviving Clips) -
(BS) The Lost Years
The Celestial Toymaker (4 - Audio Only) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Smugglers (Surviving Clips & Location Footage) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Tenth Planet (Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years

Patrick Troughton

The Power Of The Daleks (Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Higlanders (Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Underwater Menace (Episode 3, Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Moonbase (Episodes 2, 4; 1, 3 - Audio Only) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Macra Terror (Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Faceless Ones (Episodes 1, 3) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Evil Of The Daleks (Episode 2) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Tomb Of The Cybermen -
The Abominable Snowmen (Episode 3, Surviving Clips & Location Film) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Enemy Of The World (Episode 3) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Web Of Fear (Episode 1 & Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years
Fury From The Deep (Surviving Clips, Studio Footage & Episode 6 Trims) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Wheel In Space (Episodes 3, 6 and Surviving Clips) - (BS) The Lost Years
The Mind Robber - (SR)
The Invasion (Episodes One and Four are reconstructed) -
The Seeds Of Death -
The Space Pirates (Episode 2 & Episode 1 Film Inserts) -
(BS) The Lost Years

Jon Pertwee

Spearhead From Space - (SR)
Inferno - (SR)
The Claws Of Axos - (SR)
The Three Doctors -
Carnival Of Monsters - (SR)
The Green Death -

Tom Baker

The Ark In Space - (SR)
The Sontaran Experiment -
Genesis Of The Daleks -
Pyramids Of Mars -
The Hand Of Fear -
The Robots Of Death -
The Talons Of Weng-Chiang
Horror Of Fang Rock -
City Of Death - (SR)
The Leisure Hive -

Peter Davison

The Vistation - (SR)
Earthshock - (SR)
The Five Doctors -
Resurrection Of The Daleks -
The Caves Of Androzani - (SR)

Colin Baker

Vengeance On Varos
The Mark Of The Rani -
The Two Doctors -
Revelation Of The Daleks - (SR)

Sylvester McCoy

Rememberance Of The Daleks - (SR)
Ghost Light - (SR)
The Curse Of Fenric - (SR)

Paul McGann

The TV Movie (aka Enemy Within) -
(SR) Only available in Region 2.

Last edited by MI7; May 23, 2012 at 8:16 PM
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Old November 29, 2006, 12:56 PM
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Well done -- unfortunately, while I do collect Doctor Who DVDs as they are released, this guide is more intended for our Region 2 audience than our Region 1 audience.

No worries though -- I am completely caught up, own every one currently out, and keep track for myself, so no big deal.
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Old November 29, 2006, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
Well done -- unfortunately, while I do collect Doctor Who DVDs as they are released, this guide is more intended for our Region 2 audience than our Region 1 audience.

No worries though -- I am completely caught up, own every one currently out, and keep track for myself, so no big deal.
Region 1 does have the whole Key to Time set out though .

If you could give me some details on which are available for Region 2 I'll make a separate listing, I took those from the UK BBC store site.

Would you also agree that it seems the last few Doctors are rather hard done by as far as DVD releases go?

Last edited by MI7; November 29, 2006 at 1:05 PM
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:04 PM
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Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
Region 2 does have the whole Key to Time set out though .
If you mean Region 1, then yes, we do. And I of course have it all.

Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
If you could give me some details on which are available for Region 2 I'll make a separate listing, I took those from the UK BBC store site.
Sure. There's bundles of info up here: http://home.comcast.net/~smanfred/DVD_FAQ.html

Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
Would you also agree that it seems the last few Doctors are rather hard done by as far as DVD releases go?
Well, their eras are shorter, admittedly, but yes.
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
Sure. There's bundles of info up here: http://home.comcast.net/~smanfred/DVD_FAQ.html
According to that listing, there isn't any DVDs on my Region 2 list that are also not on Region 1. In fact, R1 has more as they have the extra Season 16 set.
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:11 PM
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I know. There are some differences though, usually in terms of the order released. I do believe you have some additional ones that we do not have yet, such as The Invasion. We will get them soon though.
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
I know. There are some differences though, usually in terms of the order released. I do believe you have some additional ones that we do not have yet, such as The Invasion. We will get them soon though.
Looking again I see R1 does not have the TV movie released - though I can't imagine anyone complaining about it .

The Invasion is not out until March 2007 in R1, I will update the list.
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:16 PM
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The original contract for the TV movie stipulated that the Fox network (the network that aired the Doctor Who TV movie over here) had to air the TV movie at least twice in order for it to be released on VHS or DVD. When initially aired, it didn't perform as well as Fox expected or hoped, so they never aired it a second time. Considering that was ten years ago now, it is unlikely it will ever air again, meaning unless they somehow get around that contract, it is unlikely the TV movie will ever be released here.

And I'm complaining.
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
And I'm complaining.
Buy a multi-region DVD player and I'll get you the TV movie for Christmas .

That contract is pretty crazy though - you'd think Fox would have aired it again just for the DVDs if nothing else. Perhaps it would have been more popular the second time round if they used better marketing and smarter scheduling. Maybe because it wasn't a success, Fox tried to negotiate an edited contract involving some profit from R1 DVD releases in exchange for airing it again and were refused?
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:23 PM
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Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
Buy a multi-region DVD player and I'll get you the TV movie for Christmas .
Yay! That would be very cool!

Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
That contract is pretty crazy though - you'd think Fox would have aired it again just for the DVDs if nothing else.
I agree. The same thing had occurred to me. Even if they had aired it at 4:00 in the morning or something ridiculous during off-peak hours when it didn't matter if anyone watched, just to be nice and allow the DVDs to come out, that would have been fine with me.

Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
Perhaps it would have been more popular the second time round if they used better marketing and smarter scheduling.
That also has occurred to me. Too bad it was ten years ago. I really don't think anything can be done anymore, except squeeze around the contract somehow (although we're all still waiting over here...).

Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
Maybe because it wasn't a success, Fox tried to negotiate an edited contract involving some profit from R1 DVD releases in exchange for airing it again and were refused?
I suppose that's possible. No way of knowing, though... I bet that would have helped, considering I guarantee you it would have been more popular on DVD.
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Old November 29, 2006, 1:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
I agree. The same thing had occurred to me. Even if they had aired it at 4:00 in the morning or something ridiculous during off-peak hours when it didn't matter if anyone watched, just to be nice and allow the DVDs to come out, that would have been fine with me.
Ah but then it wouldn't have gotten many viewers . You know how the world of US media is, it pretty much flopped on original broadcasting so there wasn't much chance of them giving it another go. Though I would have thought that the success it reached in the UK may have prompted them to air it again...
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Old November 29, 2006, 2:00 PM
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Hey, it would have made sense to me. But I don't run Fox, nor would I want to. (I don't like Fox. They usually air crap shows, usually, with some notable exceptions. They're like the network that most caters to the generally stupid American public, with awful reality shows, awful game shows, awful contest shows, and generally awful non-entertaining crap programming. Okay, done with Fox rant now.)
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Old November 30, 2006, 6:13 PM
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Then lets take over Fox and call it the DS.Channel, nothing but Doctor Who and Star Trek all the time
Chris Britton
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Old November 30, 2006, 6:23 PM
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LOL. Didn't we plan something similar once? It wasn't Fox but I remember planning the takeover of some channel or other.
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Old December 1, 2006, 3:18 AM
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We should show Frost on it aswell
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Old December 1, 2006, 6:18 AM
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Not on DS.Channel.
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Old December 1, 2006, 8:05 AM
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Why not? Whats wrong with Frost? There's an idea for a plot- Ronn tries to turn Frost into a big movie fanchise.
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Old December 1, 2006, 7:30 PM
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What power do you have over it?

And I don't want it on my channel -- simple as that. If it's my name on it, it's my shows that appear on it. Frost, while good, ain't one of 'em.
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Old December 2, 2006, 4:27 AM
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what Captain Scarlet to see if it's good enough to put on (might be good for ratings)
/ .. . \\>--◖

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Old December 2, 2006, 10:01 AM
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I can watch it without putting it on my channel.
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