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Old February 9, 2007, 2:15 AM
Posts: n/a

can't see me avatar
can't activate from the doctor who ones
only see the dreaded white box with a red ex in all avatar boxes in control panel, ie: tardis and different docs

See everyone else's nicely in forum though.
Old February 9, 2007, 4:17 AM
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biggus dickus
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Well, instead of making 6-million threads about it, how about you wait until Danny comes on and can help you out?

He isn't going to arrive any faster just because you're spamming everywhere, but if you keep it up you might not be here by the time he arrives.

Not at all benevolent dictator and I don't need to sign my posts cause my name is up there at the top.
Old February 9, 2007, 6:30 AM
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Originally Posted by FunBoo View Post
See everyone else's nicely in forum though.
If I were an admin, using that emoticon alone would be enough for me to ban your arse.

If you need help, you post once in one thread, describing your issue. You talk with respect and you certainly don't suggest any anger on the matter. It's not as if you're paying to be here.
Jez (aka Turnbolt aka Pulse of Orion)
Latest Tracks: Sparks ||||| Battle Scene 1 (a Final Fantasy remix) (v0.2)

He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt him it was really quite hypnotic.

*Officially the most likeable person since the last one*
Old February 9, 2007, 2:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Public apology.
Yes indeed you are rightly miffed.
I'm not going to bore you all with reasons .
I do respect what appears as a great oasis on the internet .
I apologise to all,
Old February 9, 2007, 2:40 PM
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Of course, backstage you can swear as much as you wish but the best way to get a civil answer to be civil in the first place.
Jez (aka Turnbolt aka Pulse of Orion)
Latest Tracks: Sparks ||||| Battle Scene 1 (a Final Fantasy remix) (v0.2)

He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt him it was really quite hypnotic.

*Officially the most likeable person since the last one*
Old February 12, 2007, 9:54 AM
Sam Davies (Offline)
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You could always PM Danny.
Old February 12, 2007, 11:18 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Please don't do that Sam. I don't want people PMing me for no reason.
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